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Calathea Rufibarba mini plant


Calathea is a plant with a remarkable nickname: 'Living Plant'. The nickname once again makes clear how special the Calathea really is. This decorative foliage plant, originating from the jungles of Brazil, has its own day and night rhythm. The leaves close when the amount of light decreases. Closing of the leaves can also be heard, the phenomenon can give a rustling sound when the leaves close. So the plant has its own ' Rhythm of Nature'.

How often should you water a Calathea?

The Calathea can be a drama queen when it comes to water. Too little water and the leaves will hang very badly and if this continues, they will dry out quickly. You always want to avoid this by making sure that the soil is always slightly moist. Therefore, check twice a week whether the soil is ready for a new splash of water. Stick your finger in the soil to check the moisture in the top few inches of the soil; if it feels dry, water! Always make sure that the plant does not stand in a layer of water, because she does not like that at all. It is better to water a smaller amount twice a week than once a week too much.

Too much water can result in yellow spots on the leaves and drooping foliage. Then check that the plant is not in a layer of water and give less water. If the soil is really very wet, it is important to replace the soil so that the roots are not left in wet soil for too long.

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Not always an easy plant
Small and large leaves
light shade
No full sun
Keep the potting soil wet in the summer
Little water needed in winter
Available in different sizes

Additional information

Dimensions 6x6x10 cm

Rare cuttings & special house plants

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