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Buy rubber plant Ficus Elastica Schrijveriana baby plant

Original price was: €44.95.Current price is: €17.95.

Ficus Elastica 'Shivereana' is quite rare, but we were able to find a few. It is a stylish rubber plant with light green and pink-orange speckled leaves. With its sturdy, leathery leaves, it gives character to your space. It comes into its own in a simple pot, so that you can fully enjoy its sleek shape. The plant purifies the air in your room by removing formaldehyde from furniture and fabrics. 

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easy plant
small leaves
light shade
No full sun
Keep the potting soil wet in the summer
Little water needed in winter
Available in different sizes

Additional information

Weight 35 g
Dimensions 6x6x25 cm
Pot diameter




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