Cutting letter All your need is GiveAway action 2022

All you need is – GIVEAWAY

ALL YOU NEED IS – GIVEAWAY ALL YOU NEED IS 💘💘💘💘💘 GIVEAWAY Are you ready for our annual European GiveAway in 2022. Note: Unfortunately this giveway is only for participants in EU Five Lucky AYNIG Winners will receive 6 prizes incl. 1 rare cutting/planting; Winner A 1 x Monstera Variegata Unrooted Cutting […]

Buy Philodendron Pink Princess

Waiting list waitlist Cutting letter

Waiting list of Cuttings Letter Are your favorite cuttings, plants (Philodendron Pink Princess, Philodendron White Princess, Philodendron McColleys Final, etc), pots, potting soil or plant nutrients sold out? No worries. We have an additional option to add you to our waiting list for any item that is sold out on our page. How works […]

original sustainable business gifts

Original sustainable business gifts

Are you looking for inspiration for original sustainable green business gifts to show your appreciation to loved ones, relatives, colleagues or relations? A gift that will make the recipient very happy and where a small gift can grow into a complete urban jungle. We are extremely grateful that […]

Buy Scindapsus Epipremnum Pinnatum 'Marble Planet'

The Epipremnum is a plant that occurs naturally in the forests of Southeast Asia, Indonesia and the Solomon Islands. The plant is also popularly called Scindapsus. The Greek name Epipremnum comes from 'epi' = on , and 'premnon' = stem: the plant grows on the stems of trees.

In the tropical jungles, the Epipremnum grows in the shade between and along the trees. The leaves of the Epipremnum can then grow up to 100 cm. There the plant is a rich food source for lizards and other reptiles.

The Epipremnum is part of the Araceae family, which also includes Philodendron, Dieffenbachia and Monstera. The Epipremnum is therefore often confused with the Philodendron. In 1879 the first plants were taken to Europe and further developed there.

The Epipremnum pinnatum 'Marble Planet'® comes from Asia and was discovered during one of our many travels. The characteristic drawing of the 'Marble Planet' has a marble-like appearance. With its waxy leaves and flamed pattern, it is a decorative plant that can be used hanging and as a climbing plant. In combination with its simple care, this plant is therefore a welcome guest in plantings and other creative purposes. The Epipremnum is in the top 10 of air-purifying plants. 

It is an easy and rewarding plant. He only needs a little water once a week but prefers not to have a foot bath as the roots can rot. If the leaves start to droop, the plant has been too dry. If you dip it briefly, the leaf will recover quickly. The Epipremnum will do fine in both light and shade, but if it is too dark, the plant will lose its markings and the leaves will become darker in color.

Rhapidophora tetrasperma monstera minima in coco pot

The botanical name of this plant is Rhapidophora tetrasperma, but it is usually called philodendron mini monstera or Monstera called minimums. In fact, the plant is not a Monstera, but they do belong to the Aracaea family, just like the Rhapidophora.

The Monstera minima is a special tropical plant that originally comes from the area of  Thailand en Malaysia coming.

The plant has a special growth habit, namely sideways instead of most plants that grow in height. It is naturally a strong vining plant. The uniqueness of this plant is that it shows holes in the leaves from an early age. This is in contrast to the popular Monstera delicious† The Monstera minima is also a fast grower. Perfect for plant lovers who like to see their plant grow.

Taking care of this plant is also not difficult and therefore suitable for everyone. Place the plant in a light spot, because it likes a lot of indirect light. The plant likes moist potting soil, but with too much water it quickly develops yellow leaves. So beware of overwatering. These right conditions will ensure that you will see leaves growing quickly. This plant will also do well in places with less light, the plant will only grow a little less quickly.

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